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Marketing for Coaches from Book Yourself Solid is the show that's guaranteed to get you more coaching clients than you can handle, even if you hate marketing and selling. Hosted by Matthew Kimberley, with surprise appearances from the biggest names in the marketing and coaching world, this show is guaranteed to make you smile, think, and enjoy a more profitable and sustainable and relaxed career as a coach. Rated five stars everywhere that stars matter. Find out more at

Jul 29, 2021

Trust your gut. Follow your heart. If you don’t love it, leave it. These are the kinds of platitudes that we so often hear, but I’m here to tell you that they’re a load of crap.

Today, I offer some contrary advice: check your gut check. I share two of my biggest regrets in life, both of which were the results of...

Jul 26, 2021

Often, your personal state plays into your work life, and this is particularly true when it comes to confidence. To move your business forward, you need the confidence to look your prospective client in the eye and say: “The best thing for you is me.”

Today, I talk about what confidence is and where it comes from. I...

Jul 22, 2021

When you’re starting out any business, one question can hold you back indefinitely if left unanswered: who’s your target market? This question always feels like a stressful one because it awakens the fear of tying yourself to a bad decision. But it doesn’t need to be high pressure.

Today, I talk about why you need...

Jul 19, 2021

Every coach needs to deal not only with the question of pricing, but also with the matter of convincing your client that your price is reasonable.

Today, I share a few different ways you can do this. I talk about the power of emotion, and I note the power of the question “How much is a client worth to you?” I also...

Jul 15, 2021

If you’re going to be a coaching student, you need to know the difference between being a practical working business coach and somebody who simply studies coaching. What does it take to be the former?

Today, I address this question by sharing the recording of my commencement address to the first cohort of graduates of...